Sporting Stars help kids set goals

Eight primary schools across Bristol attended Day 2 of the Art of Being Brilliant, Brilliant Bristol project yesterday at the Bristol Rovers Memorial Stadium.

Brilliant Bristol aims to inspire Year 5 children to choose to adopt a positive attitude, become more confident and to raise levels of happiness. The project is being delivered by Andy Cope a leading author, professional trainer and happiness expert.
The key principles of the Art of Being Brilliant were delivered on Day 1 at the Gloucestershire County Cricket Ground in January. Day 2 of the project focussed on setting huge unbelievably great goals (HUGGs), how to bounce back from setbacks and become more resilient.
The session was boosted by the attendance of local sports personalities who shared their experiences of what it took to become successful and achieve their goals. The link to sports for this session was really important as it demonstrated clearly the importance of setting goals, not giving up, dedication and success.

Dan Bythe, Kung Fu black sash from GB Fit talked about the experiences of 6 x World Kickboxing Champion Sharon Gill and the dedication and determination she displayed to win at the highest level. Dan then led a Kung Fu demonstration and set his own goal by getting 500 children practicing a short Kung Fu routine.

Dan said: “GB Fit are very excited to be helping the Art of Brilliance team with the Brilliant Bristol project. The whole ethos behind Being Brilliant is something we already embrace as a club and we are proof that it can lead to great things. The opportunity to help get these messages across to kids in Bristol so they can become the best people possible is something we relish. Brilliant Bristol is an awesome project and we are delighted to be part of it.”

The project continues with Day 3 on the 10th March where the children will start planning how they are going to embed the messages they have learned within their schools and how they are going to share the messages across their local communities. They will also be planning and creating ideas for a record breaking attempt of the most Random Acts of Kindness in one day, which will take place in Bristol on 25th June.

For further information on Brilliant Bristol check out their WEBSITE HERE

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