17 February 2019: WAKO British Championships
A great day yesterday for some of the team at the WAKO British Championships, which are also the qualifiers for the GB team.
We only took a small team with several beginners due to the high level of the tournament, but still had 6 fighters representing Team Bristol. Everyone fought their heart out and we came away with:
2 x gold for Jack Sowersby
2 x bronze for Jayden Mcleary
1 x bronze for Magnus Hyne
1 x bronze for Christiano Firth
1 x bronze for Dylan Roxburgh
A massive well done to Marco Casali who fought brilliant and won his first fight but unfortunately lost his second against a very experienced and advanced fighter!
Thanks to Liam Holden who unfortunately couldn’t fight due to fracturing two bones in his back playing rugby, but still came up to support and help coach the team.
Well done to everyone else from Team Bristol. Some great fighting and results.